Kitchen Tools

We all have gadgets and tools we rely on in the kitchen to make life that little bit easier and I’m no different. Here are a few of the things I use that might make your life easier too.

Mini Chopper/Processor

I bought one of these mini choppers in 2011 and it is still going strong. You won’t know you needed one until you own one. From quickly chopped veg to smooth hummus these little beasts are invaluable for small quantities and very easy to clean.

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Amazon US

Garlic Rocker

This was a revelation! I gave up on garlic presses because more often than not I wanted chopped garlic, not garlic gunge but a friend assured me the outcome from this was chopped garlic. They weren’t wrong. The amount of time it saves is amazing!

It comes with a garlic peeler sleeve, just pop the cloves in, rub on the counter or between your hands and hey presto! 

Amazon UK

Amazon US


Holy shmoly! This was a revelation. I’ve heard about mandolins, usually accompanied with a story about sliced fingertips. Everything you may have heard about them being sharp is true. I strongly encourage you to also purchase cut resistant gloves, they are fantastic and your fingers will thank you.

Amazon UK

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